Note: I'm currently writing about how to break free from strongholds at a new blog. The following Bible study goes along with a post on that blog. Here's the link: Spiritual Warfare and Your Project.
Who is Satan?
How does he operate?
How will this affect your project?
John 8:44
1 Peter 5:8, Luke 4:13
Revelations 12:9-10
Genesis 3:1-6
Luke 4:1-13
Barb will you ever make these posts so they can be printed off or down loaded?
I couldn't connect to your old blog links at all.
Thank You for sharing these!
Does it work to copy and paste it? So far I haven't been able to figure out how to leave these on Wordpress with the correct spacing.
I just saw something new the other day though that I haven't had time to check out. One of these days! I'm afraid I'm a very bad techie, but it's on my list to figure out.
Which blog links didn't work - the ones on the other blog linking to this?
I figured out the blog links - thanks!
Yeah! I printed 4 posts to work on!! Thank You so much Barb!! (((HUG)))
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