Do you ever feel like you deserve a donut with the way life has been going lately? I know I do.
The truth is, we want life to be fun and easy. And what could be easier than eating what we want when we want?
Especially when everything we watch on television and everything we read in magazines is telling us we deserve the good life. And of course the good life by definition would include good food in good (i.e. all you can eat) quantities.
The Problem: A Cultural Perspective
But here’s the thing, God never said, “You deserve the good life, and if you can’t get the good life, you at least deserve a good treat!”
When we believe all those things the culture tells us—life should be fair, you shouldn’t have to suffer, indulge yourself, the more the better, etc, etc—we always get messed up in one way or another.
Either we do what the culture tells us to do and bear the consequences. Or we muster up all our self-control to walk the straight and narrow, but feel like we’re somehow missing out on the good life by doing so.
The Solution: A Biblical Perspective
If we want to lose weight and keep it off and be happy about the lifestyle we’ll have to live to maintain it, we’ll need to start seeing life from a biblical perspective.
And if we want to do that, we’ll have to renew our minds over and over and over again—until we see life and food through eyes of truth.
That's where I Deserve a Donut comes in. It’s a book, but it’s also an easy-to-use renewing-of-the-mind tool.
Here’s how it works: When you get that old urge to eat like crazy, turn to the table of contents. It lists 20 different lies that make you overeat and 13 different emotions.
Choose the one that fits your current situation and flip to that chapter where you’ll find some questions and Bible verses.
Answer the questions (preferably in your journal). Pray through the verses. Read the tips.
As you do, you’ll notice your desires changing.
Here’s why: The lies we believe about food make us want to throw caution to the wind and eat what we want when we want.
When we take those lies off and replace them with truth, our desires change. It’s easier to say no because we’re seeing the situation through eyes of truth.
In Romans 12:2 Paul says we’re transformed by the renewing of the mind.
I Deserve a Donut will help you renew your mind so you can experience transformation in the area of weight loss.
If you're interested in this book, it's available today
at Amazon.
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