And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. John 8:32

Monday, February 20, 2012

Any Ideas for the New Blog?

Hi Everyone, I've been thinking and praying about the format for the new blog, and thought it would be helpful to get your input. Is there anything special you'd like to see on the new blog? Anything in particular you found helpful on this blog that you'd like to see more of on the new blog? Any topics you'd like us to discuss?

Any ideas you can give me would be appreciated! You can either leave them as comments on the blog or e-mail me at Thanks for your help! Barb


Loren Pinilis said...

As a blogger and Life Group (Sunday School) teacher, I've observed a strange trend. The posts or lessons that impact people the most are the ones that have had the most impact on me. In my class, I pretty much just teach on what God is showing me through my own personal study. I think that flows forth in a more passionate delivery. Plus, if it's something that is impacting me, it's likely that others are in the same boat.

Unknown said...

Loren, I can tell by your blog that you're working through things with God outside your blog. I think you have a lot of good insights - thanks for writing.

PP said...

No suggestions since I have loved what you have done in the past. Really excited for Monday and the new teachings and encouragement! Thanks for serving God by helping others!

Unknown said...

PP - thanks for the encouragement! I appreciate it.