Today I want to introduce you to my best new anti-procastination technique of the whole year. It’s called the little green box (although yours may be a different color), and it was conceived by my daughter Jenny.
Here’s how it works:
- Get a little box or a jar.
- Write all your jobs on little squares of paper.
- Fold up the little squares and put them in the box.
- Shake up the box, and draw your first job. Complete it.
- Go back to the box and draw another job. Complete it.
- Keep going until there are no more squares in the box.
Here are a few advantages to the system:
- It’s fun. Even if the jobs are crummy, at least you get the thrill of drawing them from the box.
- It’s not as overwhelming as a job list. Because you can only see one job at a time, you lose that tendency to look at the whole list and get discouraged.
- It’s relatively easy. When I have a big list, I look at a few jobs on that list and automatically dismiss them because they’re too hard. When I see that same job on a little piece of paper, I think Well, it’s just one job. I guess I can do it.
- It’s motivating. Because you want to see what the next job is, you’re more inclined to finish your first job.
- It’s satisfying. As I see the little slips of paper disappear from my box, I think Wow, maybe I can finish my list after all today. I’ve had much more success in emptying my job box than I've ever had in finishing a physical list.
Your daughter is a genius. I am sitting here trying to motivate myself to apply to all these jobs...maybe if I just do her game it will at least make me feel like I accomplished something!
You should definitely try it, Steph. If it works for me it can work for anybody!
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